Human ??
How fitting that this prompt should come up on my Birthday. At a time when good health is suspect and a moment when my psyche is feeling bloody sorry for itself.
I decide to see what comes up in photobucket when I type in the word Human. Now most people likely find the image that I fixed upon as disgusting and a very cynical view of being Human but for me I found it to be sobering, centering actually. Almost having the same effect as meditating on being dead. It reminded me of U.G Krishnamurti's proclamation that we are no more or no less then extremely intelligent animals whose main purpose is to sustain life and propagate our species. Again not a very pleasant view of our existence. The majority of us find this concept to be quite distasteful and contrary to our belief that we are put on this earth to be superior to other species, hold dominion over this spinning, circling, speeding planet. We are God's chosen, his image. We are creators in our own right. So... What does it mean to be human?
Let's imagine that I am out hiking in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains immersed in the beauty and sanctity of the forest. Heading for a little stream I know about to sit and communicate with nature when a Grizzly bear crosses my path. Homo Sapien meets Ursus arctos horribilus. I freeze and my mind begins to scramble. Do I run or lay down and curl up in a ball if he attacks? Do I back up slowly? Am I down wind? Does he smell the pastrami sandwich in my backpack? It turns out Mr Grizzly isn't interested in me today, another day I may be lunch or something to play with but today he's more interested in going to a stream he knows about to cool off and do a little fishing. Now I've just had a very real experience with an animal that some Native Americans believe to be their direct ancestors. What a knee shaking, gut wrenching, adrenalin pumping experience that should have been.
I don't think old Griz is going to go back and tell his buddies that he met this fat old white guy in the woods today but I'm positive that I'm going back and telling everybody who will listen about my experience, maybe even get a couple minutes of fame by telling the media about it. It's only Human to do so, but I should have left it there in the woods. That was all it was meant to be. Man can not be anything other then what he is and what he is, is what he experiences in the present moment.
U.G. Krishnamurti
the human portion o fus is i think more than just the meat we are packaged in.. i am not sure what to call the other part,,the inner part,, but i know it exists,, as i feel very separate from my body on many occasions...
I think a big part of being human is our ability to ask the question.
I enjoyed your piece. it's true that we don't need our experiences to define us....
I related to your story in a very personal way, since, at the age of 88, I don't expect to live forever. I'm an atheist and assume that someday I will be no more than a piece of dead meat. In the meantime I intend to do my best at saving the world of humans and grizzly bears from the certain destruction that global warming will cause if we follow our current energy policies much longer.
A very thoughtful and thought-provoking post!
i disagree... man can be more than what he is... it's whether or not he chooses to be.
What's human is your sharing your Bear story with me and allowing me to feel that my Bear story isn't as isolating as it might seem.
A reminder of mind, perhaps?
There is only mind, the totality of all that has been known, felt and experienced by man, handed down from generation to generation. We are all thinking and functioning in that thought sphere just as we all share the same atmosphere for breathing.
very interesting! its like i was reading your thought process. really nice.
so fun. someone once pointed out that when I was talking about bears in my woods I was gossiping about them...
tis only human
interesting and fun read.
A bear and a rabbit are taking a crap in the woods. The bear says, "do have a problem with shit sticking to your fur?. The rabbit replies, "no".
The bear wiped his ass with the rabbit.
Hope your health issues are resolved soon. It is easier when dealing with the medical community, than at any other time, to feel like a piece of meat (I think). Michael's comment is one reminder that we are more - humor :) Sending good wishes for health and a hug for that psyche! Happy Birthday!
The Dating Game
"If there were no rabbits in the forest.
Would a bear crap in the woods?"
That depends on whether the pope was there to hear it fall.
well I certainly have to take umbrage with this story. First of all it's Old Grizz, not old griz.
Second when I was telling my buddies about you I said I was saving you for a nice late fall meal. Something to tide me over during my winter snooze. I will see you in your next walk through the woods.
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